All Community created Funds

Complete Care for Children in Crisis - Casa Bernabé Orphanage, School & Clinic Fund
1 nonprofit
Complete Care for Children in Crisis - Casa Bernabé Orphanage, School & Clinic Fund
Children's home, transitional living, vocational programs, medical clinic, families united and a school! Casa Bernabe Overview THE REALITY In 2015, Guatemala had the second-highest rate of child murders in the world. Of the crimes against children that get reported—including murder, rape, kidnapping—most go unpunished (88%). It is estimated that 4 out of 10 children experience sexual abuse. An estimated 2 in 5 children are malnourished. Among indigenous children, that rises to 4 in 5. UNICEF estimates that there are more than 370,000 orphans in Guatemala and at least 5,000 children live on the streets of the capital, abandoned by mothers who are too poor to keep them. Five out of 10 students who enter primary school in urban areas complete primary school, as opposed to only two out of 10 in rural areas. These are not just numbers, these are lives and this is the load that the children at Casa Bernabé are carrying with them. THE GOOD NEWS Casa Bernabé Ministries exists to provide hope for vulnerable children in Guatemala, both within the walls of its campus and also within the surrounding community. The ministry seeks to provide the framework needed for each child to step out from the past trauma of their lives by providing physical needs, medical and psychological care, and spiritual guidance. Children are ministered to in church and youth group and educated in the Christian school on campus. Lives are transformed as the ties of generational poverty and abuse are broken. By working with the Guatemalan court systems and biological families Casa Bernabé Ministries is leading the way in Guatemalan Global Orphan Care.
WaterAid Proyecto Guajira Fund
0 nonprofits
WaterAid Proyecto Guajira Fund
Goal: $5,000 Proyecto Guajira. Fondo WaterAid. In WaterAid queremos que todos los niños y niñas tengan las mismas posibilidades de comenzar una vida con buena salud. Nuestra Campaña de Inicios Saludables busca mejorar la salud y la nutrición de mas de 750 niños y niñas a través de agua limpia, saneamiento seguro y buena higiene. ¡Por esto el apoyo del equipo de Cisco es muy importante en ayudarnos a recaudar los fondos necesarios y llegar a nuestra meta! Nuestro apoyo y esfuerzo ayudara a la escuela de la comunidad de Kurrillamana con mas de 35 estudiantes y 2 maestras en el departamento de la Guajira. Actualmente la escuela no cuenta con servicio de agua ni saneamiento. Las maestras y estudiantes deben traer agua en baldes desde los puntos de suministro y hacer sus necesidades en los alrededores de la comunidad. El costo total de la intervención es de USD$10,000 (COP$30.000.000). El reto es recaudar USD$5,000 (COP$15.000.000) entre Octubre y Diciembre del 2018, y con el apoyo de Cisco podremos juntar el monto total. El proceso de recaudación será́ acompañado permanentemente por WaterAid y concluirá́, para aquellos que lo deseen, con una visita a la comunidad y escuela de Kurrillamana, en el municipio de Manaure, La Guajira. De parte de los niños y niñas de Kurrillamana y el equipo de WaterAid Colombia, agradecemos su interés y valioso apoyo. ¡Gracias! WaterAid Proyecto Guajira Fund WaterAid is determined to make clean water, reliable toilets and good hygiene available to boys and girls. Our Healthy Beginnings Campaign seeks to improve health and nutrition for over 750 boys and girls with the availability of clean safe water and proper hygiene. We need all the support from the Cisco team to help us reach our goal! With your help we will be supporting the school located in the community of Kurrillamana, which serves over 35 students and 2 teachers, located in de Department of La Guajira (Colombia’s most northerly region: a vast and wild desert on the Caribbean coast bordering Venezuela). Today there is no water directly being supplied to the school. The students and teachers have to carry water in buckets from a central location and they relieve themselves in the areas surrounding the community. This tough situation creates a health hazard while being a huge burden as well. The total cost of this project is $10,000 USD. The challenge for this campaign is to raise $5,000 USD between October and December 2018, while taking advantage of the Cisco match to achieve the ultimate goal of $10,000 USD. WaterAid will be supporting this project all along and this venture will conclude with an actual visit to the project in Kurrillamana, in La Guajira, where we will engage with the community who is benefiting from this campaign. The kids in Kurrillamana and WaterAid thank you in advanced for your support! ¡Gracias!